What does a new patient consult look like?

A thorough history is taken during your initial consultation in conjunction with our 12-step screening process *(If anything during this session contraindicates treatment, we will refer you to your trusted healthcare professional for further testing. Your safety, well-being and long-term health are our primary concerns.)

We then discuss our findings, and your Osteopath will explain what they believe is going on.

We then discuss what treatment may look like in the future and make a plan.

Then, the fun part: Treatment! - We will set about doing the work to get you back to doing what you love.

Our goal with patient care is clear communication and education about what is going on, where you are at with your presenting complaint, and what the road to recovery looks like.

Each patient will be given a patient pack that outlines the nature of their presentation, what rehab looks like in its various stages, and the estimated timeline for recovery. We are not interested in keeping people in the dark regarding their condition. We are committed to going as far in your health journey as you would like.

Lets get to work.